Communication and Dance
Between balancing technique and performance intensive quarters, and preparations for our upcoming showcase, at Joya Kazi Unlimited we believe that the key to success lies in effective communication between our dancers and their teachers. Just as any teacher would observe, everyone comes to dance class with a different and unique background. Some students can naturally understand movement and replicate it across-the-floor, while others need a bit more time and understanding to grasp the movement. Each student regardless of training processes information differently, just as each one of us absorbs and processes information in different ways.
On occasion, it can be a challenge to engage all students in a class. While more advanced students shine bright in class, others who are not as advanced could feel disheartened and uncomfortable. At Joya Kazi Unlimited, it is our job to motivate and inspire our students to continue learning and growing with the technique and movement we teach. These are five motivational methods we use at Joya Kazi Unlimited to help build strong relationships with our students:

1. Energy
While many teachers communicate effectively, there is a difference between motivating and communicating. There is a big difference in how you motivate students aside from just explaining technique/ choreography. Our instructors always come to class excited and ready to teach, their positive energy serving as motivation for students.
2. Always Acknowledge
Whether a routine is easy or difficult, we always acknowledge and reward our students for jobs well done. It is important that we do not just acknowledge those who did well, but those to put in honest effort. Positive feedback is a simple thing we as instructors can do to help motivate students and take them to the next level. Positive feedback and acknowledgement can help less motivated students feel like they've really accomplished something, especially if they walked in feeling like they couldn't.
3. Have Fun
We like to teach all of our classes with fun in mind. Fear and negativity in dance can be diminished if you approach it with fun. Each week we think of fun and creative ways to communicate with our students so that they feel happy to dance. We often use fun and interactive games to test attentiveness and engagement. Whether it's learning to count beats or learning stage directions, our games open create a fun environment that your children can not only learn from but also interact with other dancers who come to class.

4. Get Involved
At Joya Kazi Unlimited we really care about what we teach and how we teach it. As instructors we stay as involved as possible with all of our classes and commit to our students. Being involved in teaching means being totally present. In each class we pay attention to each student and see what help they specifically need. Involvement teaches us to be there in the best way possible, which will help our students feel lifted by your sense of commitment and care.
5. Negativity Breeds Negativity
On occasion we come across negativity in the classroom and immediately stop them. Such negativity makes it difficult for shy students to feel comfortable and safe in a dance environment. We never ignore such comments, but respond to them immediately and assert your authority. We never want any student to ever feel uncomfortable due to rude comments by others.
These five tactics are just a few of the principle that we use at Joya Kazi Unlimited to keep our students learning. Such tactocs are that also ensure that our upcoming showcase, "Shakti - The Power Within" on June 18 will be a success. If our students are having fun on stage and are excited to dance, our final production and audience will be equally as excited to watch. Tickets "Shakti - The Power Within" are on sale at JOYAKAZI.COM.